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Search Engine optimized web site design & hostingThis article addresses some general search engine guidelines

CLICK HERE for engine-specific guidelines

1. Submit new pages to the engines, and then wait to see if the pages make it into the engines' indexes. Remember that it can literally take weeks (months?) for pages to get into an index. If the pages don't make it into the index, don't resubmit them, but look over them carefully to see if you need to employ additional optimization strategies before resubmitting.

2. Submit all of your important pages to the search engines that allow you to submit more than just the main page of your site. None of the spiders crawl as well as they say they do. Sometimes they do an excellent job, but in most cases, they don't.

3. After a page has made it into the index, unless you make significant changes to the page or the page has dropped from the index, don't resubmit it.

4. If a page is dropped from the index, wait for two weeks to see if the page is picked back up, and then resubmit it.

5. If you've made significant changes to a page, resubmit it, but no sooner than 21 days since your last submission. It might benefit you to play it safe!

6. Consider adding visible links to all of your important pages on the main page of your site. Give the engines something to spider! What about using hidden links, which has been a popular strategy in the past? Approach this practice with caution. AV is beginning to look for hidden links, so try to stay away from them. You'll not necessarily have trouble based upon their spider, however, they do have people reviewing, and they are looking at this closer.

7. Submit your pages manually, or use a submission service or software that mimics a manual submission. By that, we mean that the software or service waits for verification before submitting another URL. If you use a submission software program, make sure that you're able to choose the schedule for your submissions. If you can't, you may find yourself in trouble with the engines for over-submitting. Do not use web based mass submissions. They have the potential to do more harm than had you never even submitted at all.

8. Keep in mind that if it takes too long for an engine to access your site, it probably won't get indexed.

sookeHarbour.com Quick Links

Sooke in the News
Archive of Tourism related News Stories about the Sooke area.

Parks, Trails & Beaches
Endless miles of unspoiled beaches and parks.

Bed and Breakfasts
Sooke is renowned for it's hospitality - B&B style!

Cottages & Cabins
Nestled on beaches or in the Sooke Hills. Privacy and nature.

Vacation Rental Homes
Larger groups? Staying a little longer? Enjoy all the conveniences of home.

Inns, Hotels, Motels & Resorts
From pampered luxury to affordable accommodations.

Affordable accommodations & plenty of outdoor fun.

Travel & Tourism
Services specifically catering to travel and tourism in Sooke, BC.

fishing, hiking, kayaking, birding, cycling, whale-watching ...

From a 60's diner to Haute Cuisine, you'll eat well in Sooke!

Other Businesses
Arts and crafts, marinas, real estate, shops, services and other conveniences.

Chamber of Commerce, schools, real estate, churches, arts ...

Goods & Services outside Sooke
Here you will find goods and services from outside Sooke  listed geographically.

Oak Bay Village
A vibrant community only 10 minutes from downtown Victoria yet a world away from the rush of everyday life.

East Sooke
Nature lover's paradise with a sparse population and many wide open spaces.

Victoria, British Columbia
A Traveler's guide to the Garden City of the Canada's west coast.
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